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Litigation & Arbitration


The Litigation & Arbitration department is composed by professional who have proven experience gained in leading national and international firms, both in Italy and abroad. The skills they have developed over the years, together with the widespread network of partner law firms located in different areas of the globe, enable them to assist the Firm's Clients, right from the pre-litigation stage, in numerous jurisdictions, including non-European ones. The main areas of activity are civil and commercial, corporate, banking and bankruptcy litigation.


In addition, the Litigation & Arbitration Team has significant experience in domestic and international arbitration, having represented the Firm's clients in ad hoc arbitration proceedings as well as in commercial arbitrations administered under the arbitration rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and other international arbitration institutions.


Finally, our professionals teach at Italian and foreign universities and collaborate with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in the publication of monographs on international arbitration and the recognition of foreign judgments and awards in various jurisdictions.

Our expertise includes:

  • Pre-litigation assistance with particular reference to commercial, contracting of works and construction contracts

  • Assistance before domestic and foreign courts and tribunals in civil and commercial, corporate, bankruptcy and banking litigation

  • Assistance before domestic and international arbitration courts, in ad hoc and administered arbitrations

  • Assistance in the amicable settlement of disputes through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods

  • Special focus on litigation proceedings involving international sanctions

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