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Corporate Compliance


Bergs & More's Corporate Compliance Department advises and assists Italian and foreign companies as well as Italian and multinational groups with verifying and ensuring their compliance with relevant Italian and European legislation in various fields: anti-corruption, whistleblowing, EH&S, personal data protection, anti-money laundering, etc.

The Department's professionals have also gained important experience in terms of supporting the tailored made construction, updating of organization, management, and control models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 in all its parts (general part, special parts, disciplinary system, flow procedure, code of ethics, etc.) and their monitoring. This refers to the most significant sectors of the business world as well as listed companies, dealing with corporate representatives of complex organizations of both national and international importance. 

The professionals - who are also members of Supervisory Bodies - deal with, among other things:

  • assessing and outlining optimal governance structures which are functional to prevent compliance risks, also defining adequate proxy and power of attorney systems; 

  • performing risk assessments;

  • drafting gap analyses to identify any weak points in the internal control system (ICS);

  • designing, drafting, updating, assisting in the implementation of Models 231;

  • drafting and/or updating Codes of Ethics and/or Conduct, including Group Codes;

  • drafting and/or updating procedures to mitigate the risks of commission of offences pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001;

  • conducting audits on the implementation of control protocols and audits on corporate processes identified as sensitive;

  • providing assistance to Supervisory Bodies carrying out verification activities and drafting relevant minutes and periodic reports;

  • providing support to the designing/updating of the whistleblowing system in compliance with the recent Legislative Decree no. 24/2023;

  • studying and defining organizational solutions in terms of integrated compliance and global compliance;

  • providing legal opinions on corporate compliance issues; 

  • providing support and advice to the identification of control/remedial activities;

  • offering training on the main issues relating to corporate compliance/criminal-administrative liability of entities;

  • drafting and/or carrying out legal reviews of documents - also one by one - to ensure their compliance with the relevant regulations; 

  • performing due diligence and audits in relation to the areas/issues of competence. 

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